Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I thought I should look over my list and note the progress I've made on the various Things.

1. I've been writing a moderate amount; maybe not enough, though, I should definitely up the number of words per day.
3. I haven't read much yet over break, although I did finish The Time Traveler's Wife. I need to start a new book.
7. I've watched (or rewatched, as the case may be):
Apocalypse Now
Citizen Kane
Gone with the Wind
Rear Window
Singin' in the Rain
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Sunset Boulevard
25th Hour
14. 1/14 (Margee, Jess and I went and saw Shutter Island) and this Friday Jess, RJ, Kenny and I are going to see Robin Hood, so that will be another one.:)
21. Have been working on my book with Jeni's assistance.
46. I've been writing these sporadicall, and I should do it more, since I enjoy so much reading them later on.
47. Same with the new word.
50. Same with news stories.
52. I've started putting my bangs back in bobby pins. Nothing special, but it is new. :)
58. I've been pretty consistent with the Food Journal.
67. Phoebe and I have been reading together a lot. Usually five or six books a day.
99. Probably the thing I'm most proud of: I've stopped scratching my fingers. :)

Update: aonth and a half in

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010 - Long time, no see

So it's been a month (a day over, truth be told) since my last post, and that is unforgivable. I suppose since what I've been missing is my dailies, I can simply add however many days I've missed to the end of the total. Now the goal must be establishing a pattern so that it doesn't happen again.
Part of my summer plans is to write a great deal every day in accordance to a plan my friend Jeni and I have made up. This may as well be the place for that, too. As much as I like the idea of separate spaces for everything, it really isn't practical with my memory and organizational skills.

Anyway, writing commences as soon as I take Phoebs to daycare. See you in the next post.

Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9: Busy, busy, busy

"Living by the hour, I stop for every flower;
Everything is soft and slow.
Now all these tastes improve
Through the view that comes with you,
Like they handed me my life
(For the first time, it felt worth it;
like I deserved it.)"
- Jets to Brazil

ossify - harden into bone
teamster - trucker
serigraph - silk-screen print

Things I was grateful for yesterday and the day before:
(The day before)
1. Getting to sleep with Ken ken.
2. Getting the film presentation over with.
3. Becoming better friends with Sara.
4. Cory being a prince and doing the newspaper nearly single-handedly.
5. Warm breezes.
1. Waking up with Ken ken. :)
2. Chelsy's freedom and plans to live together.
3. Liz Beall Gregory's family and how much I admire her.
4. The power coming back on well before four.
5. King and Nanny. :)

Things I am grateful for today:
1. How happy Phoebs was when she woke up this morning, and how cute she looked in her new outfit.
2. DeRosset not being at work today.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may, in fact, be the first steps of a journey."
- Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

trephine - noun, surgical saw

Things I'm grateful for today:
1. Getting the paper done super early.
2. Warm spring breezes.
4. My sweet, sweet daughter.
5. Going to bed early on Tuesday nights so that I can stay up late Wednesday nights. :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 5: Happiness

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
- Marianne Williamson

macropterous - large-winged

Things I'm grateful for today:
1. Lindsey and Nick moving to WV.
2. Kenny Kenny Kenny.
3. Pretty pictures courtesy of Chelsy.
4. The constant high I am experiencing.
5. How fully and peacefully I've let go of my feelings for Sean.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 4, oopsie :)

So I missed a day yesterday. Easter weekend is a busy time.

"I hope that I don't sound too insane
When I say there is darkness all around us
I don't feel weak but I do
Need sometimes for her to protect me
And reconnect me to the beauty that I'm missing"
- The Avett Brothers

provenance - noun - place of origin


misology - noun - hatred of reason

Ten things I've felt grateful for this weekend:
1. Chinese with girls I love. :)
2. Chelsy Hitt for being.
3. Jodi Picoult's The Pact
4. Phoebe and Easter egg hunting.
5. Leverage, especially Elliot, yum, and Skins.
6. Driving on beautiful days.
7. Delicious, huge family meals.
8. The over-the-top gifts I received for Easter.
9. Jade, for making her way back into my life.
10. Lindsey and Nick moving to WV. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 2: :)

"She was the still point of the turning world, man."
- The Virgin Suicides

Thus far today, I have read my three articles and learned a new word.

nasturtium (nə-stûr'shəm, nă-)
Any of various New World plants of the genus Tropaeolum, having pungent juice and long-spurred, usually yellow, orange, or red irregular flowers.
A brilliant orange yellow.

The nasturtiums grew alongside of the house. That flower was a striking in its nasturtiam shade.


Five things that I'm grateful for:
1. Whitney bringing me my s'more sundae.
2. Kenny coming over to my parents' and meeting Whitney.
3. Tony Minney's golden retrievers getting pregnant.
4. The music and lyrics of the Avett Brothers, especially "St. Joseph's" and "Souls Like the Wheels" today.
5. Getting to sleep in Mom and Dad's perfect bed.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 1: So It Begins

"It's very charming of you to be ignorant of the twisted logic of most relationships. Trust me. When we met I was wrecked, blasted, and damned, and I am slowly pulling myself together because I can see that you are a human and I would like to be one, too."
- Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife

I'm feeling so optimistic about this list. I am completely committed to the carrying out of every last thing on here. I've compiled a list of things that I must do daily, and will attempt to do said thing in this daily blog or at least write about doing said thing, depending on the nature of the task at hand.

There are seven daily things on the list, including writing one hundred words a day, writing down five things that I'm grateful for, learning a new word, reading three articles, writing in the Food Journal, taking my vitamins, and reading to Phoebs.

Today I have taken my vitamins, written in the Food Journal, and read with Phoebs (she's learned to read "kiss", "hug", and "egg" thus far:)).

My new word for the day is perfidy (thank you,
Perfidy, noun.
1.deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: perfidy that goes unpunished. act or instance of faithlessness or treachery.

For his terrible perfidy, he would forever be an outcast.

My three articles:

And, finally, possibly the best thing, the five things that I am grateful for today:
1. Kenny, for falling in love with me and for being brave enough to say it first.
2. Weather so beautiful that even I couldn't resist spending the evening outside.
3. The film The Lives of Others for its painful, precise beauty.
4. Sweet tea. Always.
5. This blog, and the girls that are doing it with me. :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

101 Things in 1001 Days: The List

1. Write 100 words every day or seven hundred a week.
2. Try a new recipe every month. (0/36)
3. Read a book a week. (0/156)
4. Get back to pre-Phoebs weight in year one; keep it off during years two and three.
5. Save $600 ($50 a month) for Christmas.
6. Watch entire series: The West Wing, Freaks and Geeks, Roseanne, M*A*S*H, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, the Golden Girls
7. Watch all of Ebert's Greats.
8. Visit the Harry Potter amusement park.
9. Learn to quilt.
10. Learn Italiano!
11. Complete my goal of reading Time's list
12. Start recyling again.
13. See nine concerts. (0/9)
14. See twelve movies in theaters. (0/12)
15. Become a wino (ie learn enough about wines to be able to make suggestions for different meals)
16. Become a runner (specifically, run one mile three times a week or more)
17. Acquire six more items for my keys motif and six more for my mirror motif. (0/6) (0/6)
18. Go to a light show at Carnegie
19. Visit Rochester.
20. Visit Durham.
21. Finish writing my book.
22. Get three critical papers published.(0/3)
23. Make love on a forest floor, on the bank of a river, or on the beach.
24. Learn sign language.
25. Start my own garden with fruits and vegetables.
26. Go to a major music festival
27. Continue piano lessons until I can comfortably sight-read and can play:
Always Summer
30. Have a memorable New Year's Eve.
31. Write my will.
32. Ride ten different rollercoasters. (0/10)
33. Go vegetarian for a month.
34. Purchase the NPR Guide to Building a Classical Collection; follow its directions.
35. Host a game night.
36. Host a tea party.
37. Read five new works of Shakespeare.
38. Get admitted into grad. school.
39. Use CFLs exclusively.
40. Keep reusable bags in the car and actually use them.
41. Take Phoebs to a major zoo.
42. Remain silent for an entire day.
43. Learn to meditate and do it frequently.
44. Write letters to Phoebe that she can save and read later on.
45. See the Carolina Opry again.
46. Write down five things that I'm grateful for every day.
47. Learn a new word every day.
48. Put together a cookbook filled with family recipes.
49. Learn the basics of car maitenence.
50. Read three news stories every day.
51. Buy something from
52. Learn three new ways to fix my hair.
53. Learn how to make pizza from scratch.
54. Acquire three more snow globes.
55. Finish my scrapbook for my sister.
56. Acquire three more hat boxes.
57. Watch something on Broadway.
58. Write every day in the Food Journal.
59. Start supporting the USPS by writing more letters.
60. Take my vitamins every day.
61. Learn to strip and paint furniture.
62. Go to a drive-in movie.
63. Write a twenty page paper on something that I'm interested in that I'm proud of.
64. Find a signature scent.
65. Invest time and attention in my long-distance friendships.
66. Become passionate about something I know nothing about right now.
67. Read to Phoebe every day.
68. Purchase ten of the classics on DVD for Phoebs.
69. Find a pair of heels that I love and will actually wear for each season.
70. Study massage.
71. Get a nice set of luggage.
72. See three indie films at the Warner Theatre. (0/3)
73. Label and organize my burned CD and DVD collections.
74. Read all the way through one of my literature textbooks.
75. Get comfortable enough with the IPA to actually use it in everyday life.
76. Learn to drive stick.
77. Subscribe to a major newspaper.
78. Do a good job singing at Jess's wedding in June.
79. Study poetry enough to understand the basics.
80. Make a perfect score on a major test.
81. Find three new fruits and three new vegetables that I love. (0/3) (0/3)
82. Give meaningful gifts to each of the women in my family.
83. Really flesh out my board game collection (and Phoebe's).
84. Get a response from Roger Ebert on a comment on his blog.
85. Fall in love with a pub, restaurant, or bar.
86. Learn five truly hilarious jokes. (0/5)
87. Watch Craig Ferguson at least twice a week.
88. Find a morning news show that is tolerable.
89. Send flowers to someone who deserves them.
90. Perfect a from-scratch cake and icing recipe.
91. Go on roadtrips with: Lindsey and Morgan; Whitney; Chelsy; the book club and the Sisters group.
92. Go to a beach and like it.
93. Discover the place(s) I want to live.
94. Plan (and save up for) a trip to Europe. :)
95. Find three new pastimes to share with Phoebe.
96. Get a Brazilian bikini wax.
97. Own a Burberry scarf.
98. Stay off of Facebook for an entire week.
99. Stop scratching my fingers.
100. Get on a proper ADD medication dosage/schedule.