Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 1: So It Begins

"It's very charming of you to be ignorant of the twisted logic of most relationships. Trust me. When we met I was wrecked, blasted, and damned, and I am slowly pulling myself together because I can see that you are a human and I would like to be one, too."
- Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife

I'm feeling so optimistic about this list. I am completely committed to the carrying out of every last thing on here. I've compiled a list of things that I must do daily, and will attempt to do said thing in this daily blog or at least write about doing said thing, depending on the nature of the task at hand.

There are seven daily things on the list, including writing one hundred words a day, writing down five things that I'm grateful for, learning a new word, reading three articles, writing in the Food Journal, taking my vitamins, and reading to Phoebs.

Today I have taken my vitamins, written in the Food Journal, and read with Phoebs (she's learned to read "kiss", "hug", and "egg" thus far:)).

My new word for the day is perfidy (thank you,
Perfidy, noun.
1.deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: perfidy that goes unpunished. act or instance of faithlessness or treachery.

For his terrible perfidy, he would forever be an outcast.

My three articles:

And, finally, possibly the best thing, the five things that I am grateful for today:
1. Kenny, for falling in love with me and for being brave enough to say it first.
2. Weather so beautiful that even I couldn't resist spending the evening outside.
3. The film The Lives of Others for its painful, precise beauty.
4. Sweet tea. Always.
5. This blog, and the girls that are doing it with me. :)

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