Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9: Busy, busy, busy

"Living by the hour, I stop for every flower;
Everything is soft and slow.
Now all these tastes improve
Through the view that comes with you,
Like they handed me my life
(For the first time, it felt worth it;
like I deserved it.)"
- Jets to Brazil

ossify - harden into bone
teamster - trucker
serigraph - silk-screen print

Things I was grateful for yesterday and the day before:
(The day before)
1. Getting to sleep with Ken ken.
2. Getting the film presentation over with.
3. Becoming better friends with Sara.
4. Cory being a prince and doing the newspaper nearly single-handedly.
5. Warm breezes.
1. Waking up with Ken ken. :)
2. Chelsy's freedom and plans to live together.
3. Liz Beall Gregory's family and how much I admire her.
4. The power coming back on well before four.
5. King and Nanny. :)

Things I am grateful for today:
1. How happy Phoebs was when she woke up this morning, and how cute she looked in her new outfit.
2. DeRosset not being at work today.


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